Home Décor Gifts on our Wish Lists

Home Décor Gifts on our Wish Lists

The holiday season is upon us and I think everyone is thankful for 2020 to be nearing an end. In our eagerness to usher in the New Year, let us not skip over the Christmas season but rather find plenty of reasons to celebrate — even if it is with more intimate groups....
Mantel Décor and More!

Mantel Décor and More!

One of the hardest places to decorate in a home is the mantel. Notice the spelling: most people get that wrong. It was originally called a mantelpiece or chimneypiece and was a hood that projected over a fire to catch the smoke. Today we use “mantel” to describe any...
Tips for Holiday Décor

Tips for Holiday Décor

With the global pandemic limiting our travels, socializing and “normal activities”, I suspect people will decorate more this holiday season and earlier. We all seem to crave the festive season to look forward to and I certainly understand the sentiment. All this in...

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