The wallpaper you choose for a room can set the tone for the space. Depending on your personal style and what you have in mind for the particular room, wallpaper can make a room appear bigger, warmer or brighter.
To make a space appear bigger, choose patterns with backgrounds that feature cool colors like green or blue. Colors like red, yellow and orange will make your room feel warmer. If you’re looking to reflect light in your room, look for wallpapers with light colors, metallic inks or smooth surfaces. You will want to avoid dark colors, because they tend to make your room feel smaller.
Wallpapers with texture can hide architectural imperfections, so you may want to consider wallpapers with animal skin, burlap, foil or fabric. When choosing wallpapers, you should also keep in mind the functionality of the room. To give a room a formal look, choose large-scale patterns with bold, dramatic colors. For a fun, bright look, use wallpaper with small motifs that are open, like polka dots or floral patterns.
Choosing the perfect wallpaper can really enhance your room and take it to the next level. Remember to always consider your personal style and the room’s functionality when choosing your wallpaper. With these tips, you have all the tools needed to pick the perfect wallpaper.
Image sources: Pamela Hope Designs