Holiday Greetings!
The holidays are always cheerful at the PHD studio! We enjoyed Thanksgiving with friends and family. Danna took the week off and loved having her girls at home. Joni visited a friend and her family in Georgia. They drove so that they could bring back a family heirloom chair for her friend’s apartment. That sounds very PHD!
I had a small family dinner at my house. Things had been so hectic and busy that we ordered from Central Market to enjoy more time together. It was a delicious meal and very nice weekend. I had fun making small wine cork placeholders with my mother. We kind of went overboard and made a lot.
Moments after my family left, I started preparing for the Phi Mu Alumnae Party Baubles and Sweets that I host every year. It’s a festive cookie and ornament exchange and one of our favorite events of the season.
Friends, family, and the holidays are a huge inspiration to me. Until next time, find your inspiration, or call us and we’ll help you discover it.