Colors and Patterns and Prints, Oh My!

Colors and Patterns and Prints, Oh My!

When the painter Wassily Kandinsky said that “color is a power which directly influences the soul,” he was speaking of his art but the sentiment holds true for interior design as well. Colors, patterns and prints are a way for us to make a statement in our homes that...
Hot Colors for 2022

Hot Colors for 2022

The New Year brings new beginnings and nothing says “fresh start” like a new coat of paint and updated décor. As 2022 rolls out, our team loves studying the hot colors for the New Year and discussing where it makes most sense to incorporate these in our ongoing design...
Incorporating Home Accent Colors

Incorporating Home Accent Colors

April is National Decorating Month and the spring season has us clamoring for vivid colors. Along with the traditional April showers, nature is celebrating the changing of the seasons as plants start showing green buds while flowers blossom. They’re a welcome sight...

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