by Pamela Hope Designs | Feb 6, 2017 | Home Maintenance, Organization
Laundry Room Needs Laundry. It’s one of our least favorite chores here at Pamela Hope Designs, but it’s unavoidable. Most laundry rooms are dark and dingy, making the task even less glamorous. That’s why laundry rooms are wonderful to tackle for a small renovation...
by Pamela Hope Designs | Jan 30, 2017 | Organization
Tips to Conquer Clutter Sometimes it seems that without closets, our homes would be filled with clutter. Instead, closets turn into dark, messy spaces that attract all the bits and bobs that you forget about. This is especially true when it comes to our bedroom...
by Pamela Hope Designs | Dec 29, 2016 | Bedrooms, Organization
Declutter After the Holidays & Donate to Others During the holidays, we collect more and more items that we simply have no business keeping. However, many of us don’t even know where to start decluttering! Often, getting rid of our excess is a bit overwhelming. If...
by Pamela Hope Designs | Nov 15, 2016 | Accessories, Organization
Tips to Create Your Dream Closet Creating your dream closet is possible on nearly any budget! While you may not have the grand dressing room you’ve always wanted, any closet can be transformed into an amazing space. Here are six quick tips for creating your very own...