Tiny Bubbles

Tiny Bubbles

At our first meeting with Greg, we had already shown him the lot and told him we wanted a Country French style home. We knew we wanted a large motor court with plenty of parking. We wanted a three car garage. We did not want a pool. We did not care about a lot of...

And The Walls Come Tumbling Down

Once we had secured the treasures from the old house and sold or gave away the rest, we were eager to get the old shell of a house off the lot.  My husband interviewed and met with demolition companies and awarded the bid to the contractor of his choice, Ponce...
This Is The Place

This Is The Place

It was just about this time last year that we were ready to give up. Give up on looking for a new house that is. Jon and I had talked about getting a new house even before we talked about getting married. However, we did it the old fashioned way and we married the...

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