Yellow Mimosa: Summer’s It Color

When we think about summer, we picture warm, bright colors that exude happiness. Yellow Mimosa exemplifies warmth and sunshine, making it this summer’s IT color. Looking at this color makes you feel the warmth of the sun and the soft breeze of summer. If you’re...

Design On a Budget

Getting started on a new interior design project is exciting and a lot of fun! As you get those creative juices flowing, it’s important to sit down and create a budget. Your budget will help you make the best decisions when choosing pieces for your room. Below are a...

Not Your Grandmother’s Wallpaper

The wallpaper you choose for a room can set the tone for the space. Depending on your personal style and what you have in mind for the particular room, wallpaper can make a room appear bigger, warmer or brighter. To make a space appear bigger, choose patterns with...

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