Let There Be Light

Let There Be Light

As I’ve mentioned before, one of the first selections needed for a new construction project are the plumbing fixtures. This is because the pouring of the slab is dependent on first-floor plumbing. Once the plumbing is in place, it’s on to decorative lighting. From a...

Incorporating Micromosaic Tiles

As an interior designer, there’s no better feeling than the excitement that comes with designing a new space. Clients trust you to create a space that’s unique to them that follows both form and function. From choosing comfortable seating to selecting the right color...
It’s All in the Details

It’s All in the Details

I love visualizing what our completed projects will look like in print. We were so honored and thrilled to win many design awards last year and look forward to submitting new projects during award season. “Shooting for the Cover” was a headline I kept in mind during...
Entryway Envy

Entryway Envy

Your entryway is the first thing your guests see when they walk into your home – and we all know that first impressions are everything! The entrance sets the stage for the rest of your home décor. While you want it to be cohesive with the rest of your home, it’s...

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